RPtests - Goodness of Fit Tests for High-Dimensional Linear Regression Models
Performs goodness of fits tests for both high and low-dimensional linear models. It can test for a variety of model misspecifications including nonlinearity and heteroscedasticity. In addition one can test the significance of potentially large groups of variables, and also produce p-values for the significance of individual variables in high-dimensional linear regression.
Last updated 4 years ago
2.08 score 2 stars 2 dependents 4 scripts 358 downloadsLassoBacktracking - Modelling Interactions in High-Dimensional Data with Backtracking
Implementation of the algorithm introduced in Shah, R. D. (2016) <https://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume17/13-515/13-515.pdf>. Data with thousands of predictors can be handled. The algorithm performs sequential Lasso fits on design matrices containing increasing sets of candidate interactions. Previous fits are used to greatly speed up subsequent fits, so the algorithm is very efficient.
Last updated 2 years ago
1.00 score 1 stars 3 scripts 258 downloads